If you've read anything on this blog in the last two years, you're probably aware of two things: 1. I am currently raising a small person named Sam, which is very much like raising a small monkey that can count to eleventeen and, 2. I had two miscarriages over the past two years, which has been a significant part of our family's story.
(If you're interested, you can read about that here: The Unexpected and here: Again.)
It goes without saying, this season hasn't been the easiest to walk through. And in the midst of what we've experienced regarding some intense grief, I've also become very aware of how many others there are like me whose hopes regarding growing their families have been disappointed. Realizing I'm not alone in this experience has been comforting, but it's also so hard to understand why God withholds children from families that would love them so well. I haven't quite made my peace with this, but I have reached a place where I can trust God in spite of those questions.
In light of all this, I've been hesitant to share our current family news in part because I've been uncertain about whether it was safe yet but also because I have so many dear friends whose hearts are hoping for what mine has been these last few years but are still in the difficult place of waiting and wondering.
And yet, I know that while shared grief is halved, shared joy is doubled (*thanks to my friend Lex for that little bit o' wisdom). And, so, with a full heart, I want to share with you that our family will be a family of four coming early September when we welcome this little one into our home:
Oh, and by the way, this one's a girl. Hello, tutus, princesses, and fairies.
This guy still isn't quite sure what to make of this whole deal:
But, so far, he's given us a few name suggestions for the babe. They are, in order of importance, Bob, Elizabeth, Joseph, and "Rescue Guy." Obviously, we're taking all these under consideration, but that last one really seems to pulling out in front. Baby Rescue Guy just has that certain je ne sais quois.
Sam's also requested to not have to carry his baby sister in his belly at any point in time. I'm letting him off the hook on that one and have agreed to carry the baby, but only if he promises to accept the pottytraining process and stop wearing diapers before September. Seriously, people. Pottytraining will be the end of me.
So, there's the update. Now, I can maybe get back on here and write about regular stuff like cookie recipes and Target trips and the neverending saga of, you guessed it, pottytraining. You're on the edge of your seat now, aren't you.
Let's meet back here soon, friends, same time (not really), same channel (or website), same curious tales of a small guy named Sam.
And, now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.