Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This just in: Local Woman Overdoses on Snow

Another snow day, which means another day of wondering if I'll ever see civilization again. Sigh. I realize this sounds dramatic, but I could use a little drama around here. Don't get me wrong, having 2.5 days with a husband at home has been pretty darn fun. AND it's meant that someone else has been here helping to wrangle the restless native also known as our son.

But, let's be honest, there's just something unnatural about a girl from Georgia waking up consecutive mornings to a winter wonderland at every window. There's also something unnatural about not being able to make a Target run if and when one feels the need.

Currently, my husband has just been picked up and driven to work by his fearless employer and the Samster is fast asleep in his longjohns upstairs, which leaves me in the kitchen having my first moment alone for approximately the last 106 hours. I don't mean to complain, I'm just saying. 106 hours, people.

So, I thought I'd take a moment to take a deep breath, drink my green tea and write a few sentences about how I may possibly explode if I don't make it off the mountain soon. I'm realizing that Matt's secret dream that we go to Sweden as missionaries is probably not ever going to happen. Atleast not unless I am well-stocked with Prozac and have my very own tanning bed for those long months of 4 hour days with little to no sunlight.

I will say that, despite my current spiral into claustrophobic cabin fever, I have to admit that the snow is more than a little beautiful and it has afforded me with some serious quality time with my two favorite people. I've baked cookies and flipped pancakes, read "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" (for the 4th time) with the aforementioned favorite people. I may have converted Matt into a fan of Kathie Lee and Hoda's morning show (he'll deny it if you ask him). We've made snow angels and hopped around the 8 inches of snow in our yard with our snow baby. In addition, there has been serious Sam snuggling, Netflix marathons, mugs of hot chocolate, pajamas until noon and time to look up random things on Wikipedia that I've been curious about (i.e. who is Vince Vaughn's baby mama? Has Howie Day been in jail the past few years? When was the last Ice Age? What did Snookie get for Christmas? How much did that soup pot I just bought at TJ Maxx retail for? and, etc.) So, that's been fun and, I must admit, only made possible by the buckets of snow in our yard.

Hm. So, that quiet I mentioned earlier is coming to an end as The Babe, who is more of a toddler now than a babe, is letting it be known that his nap is over. But before I rescue the little guy from his crib, I'm headed to the pantry for another handful of chocolate chips and hoping that the chocolate doesn't run out before the snow melts. If that happens, things could get ugly.


  1. you're hilarious and I love you for it.

  2. Ha, ha, ha! At least you didn't get stuck in an airport for 2 days like we did....with a 10 month old...



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